Lindsay H: Love Beyond Measure is Healing

Lindsay H:   October GraduateLindsay H

I never knew love could be so healing until Gilgal showed me.  I came directly  from jail as part of a requirement from drug court.  Initially I thought my addiction to meth was the problem. However, after I began working the program, I realized that there was a deeper  healing that needed to take place in me in order to overcome my old destructive cycles.

In our weekly Be Transformed classes and through counseling, I learned some of the many false beliefs I had about God, myself and others.  All of these thinking errors kept me living in defeat.  Once I learned the truth about who God is and who I am in Him, my whole perspective changed. I was able for the first time to receive unconditional love from Him and others and to truly love myself.

The Gilgal program is amazing.  I feel like if I would have gone somewhere else I would not have made it because I would not have found Jesus.  I wouldn’t of healed.  Other programs don’t give you time to work on yourself.   Thank you Gilgal for the love beyond measure that healed me from the  inside out.

I look forward to my new life beyond graduation! Change really does happen at Gilgal.  Thank you to everyone who was an integral part of my transformation this past year!